The Tales of Ink and Light intertwine words (the ink) and photographs (the light) to bring you a break, a laugh, a moment to contemplate the strangeness and beauty of the world.

In the Tales of Ink and Light, words and photographs work together in the way that a voice and a guitar meet and complement each other to craft a song. Here, the texts are not mere captions, nor are the images mere illustrations. The two languages respond to each other to form short stories (documentary or fiction), poems and essays that take you to places of freedom, imagination, rebellion and the creation of meaning.

I think that's one of the hardest things to do - combine words and photographs. But I would certainly try it. — Robert Frank


1. In a combination of texts and photographs, the Tales of Ink and Light are a collection of poems, short stories (fiction or documentary) or essays that explore the strange beauty of our world. From portraits of individual lives to musings on social justice, from travel diaries to an exploration of the intricacies of identity, the Tales take you to places of freedom, imagination, rebellion and meaning-making.

2. The Touches of Ink and Light present a journey through the creative process and include stories behind the making of a particular photograph, thoughts and anecdotes on photography and writing, and a look at sources of inspiration. In the Open Book series, i share glimpses into a photo book from my small personal collection in the hope of sharing beauty, inspiration or knowledge.I think that's one of the hardest things to do - combine words and photographs. But I would certainly try it. — Robert Frank

Les Contes d’encre et de lumière is the French version of the Tales of Ink and Light. Sometimes I write in English first, and sometimes it's the other way round. Every single time, i find it an intriguing exercise to revisit what i’ve written, to look for the right words and expressions, and to confront the temptation to let the translation take its own course.

I publish about once a week, one week in English, the other in French.

Contes d'encre et de lumière

The author

My name’s Pierre François Docquir. I am a self-taught writer and photographer. Originally from Belgium, i’m now based in Lisbon, Portugal, after a few good years in London, UK.

In the Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke suggests that you should only write if you feel an irresistible internal drive to do so — would you die, he asks, if you were forbidden to write? As a young adult, i took this advice very seriously and thus kept myself busy with other things (my professional life has consisted in doing research and advocacy in the field of human rights). Many years later, the desire to tell stories has not vanished: the time has now come to heed the call.

You can find my website at

Subscription and support

I would like you to know that I'm grateful to all my readers for reading the Tales. Quite simply: I'm delighted to have you on board, and i’m honoured by your interest in my work. If you feel like it, don't hesitate to write back: I'm curious to know who you are and where in the world you are.

Making art is a vocation and a privilege. Equally true: producing literature and photography requires time and costs money.

Sharing the Tales of Ink and Light with your friends and acquaintances is an excellent way to support my work.

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Paying subscription opening on June 15th (2024)

To support my work and independent artistic creation, and if you’re in a financial situation where you can afford it, you could consider a paid subscription.

  • When you subscribe for free, you receive the Tales in your inbox and can take part in the conversations under each article;

  • A paid subscription gives you

    • priority access to the Tales (one week ahead of the regular subscribers);

    • priority access to the shop (books and prints);

    • access to exclusive offers in the shop (books and prints);

    • access to occasional exclusive items.

  • In addition, I will send an A4 print of one of my images to everyone who takes out a ‘founding members’ subscription.

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In the Tales of Ink and Light, words (the ink) and photographs (the light) work like the guitar and the voice in a folk song: they intertwine to bring you unique short stories and poems about the beauty and strangeness of the world we live in.


Self-taught photographer and writer (professionally, doing research and advocacy in the sphere of human rights). I combine the languages of words (the ink) and pictures (the light) to tell stories about the strange world we live in. (he/him)